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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

GROW it and they will EAT it....

Yes...we planted our seeds to start our garden a couple of weeks ago.
We planted them inside to germinate so that around Mother's Day we can go ahead and plant them outside. Because we are in the Midwest, we are still prone to frost until around mid-May.

So many people are amazed at how much Matthew loves vegetables! In fact, my uncle bought a veggie tray for him as a 'gag gift' and in fact, Matthew was beyond excited!!! There have been many times that he will actually choose a cucumber over something else. It's great! And I attribute it to:

1. The fact that early on he could not eat so many "traditional" foods, so we HAD to give him mainly fruits and veggies

2. We involved him in the entire process of gardening.

When I say entire process--I mean ENTIRE. We go to the store to purchase the supplies, plant the seeds together, water them, monitor them, etc. We make sure the soil is ready outside and transplant the plants outdoors and there we also monitor their water intake. And finally, when they produce lots of fabulous veggies---Matthew gets his buckets handy and picks away.

This year we are hoping to grow tomatoes (red, yellow and orange) zucchini, cucumber, peppers (sweet, green, orange), watermelon, asparagus and artichoke. We have greeen onion already growing in the garden--it's wild. We may even try our hand at growing some veggies in planters as well this year.

Our biggest obstacle---the bunnies! If anyone knows a great way to keep them away, I'd love ot hear it. We put up a small wire fence already, but they are very eager.

So involve your children in growing their own foods--and I can almost guarantee that they WILL eat it!

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