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Monday, September 5, 2011


So what kid doesn't love chicken fingers?? Heck, for that matter what adult doesn't??!!

---A package of chicken breast tenders or cut up chicken breast in to smaller pieces
--- about 3-4 cups of rice chex
---seasonings: garlic salt, seasoned salt, parsley, whatever you want to add really. I pretty much just use garlic salt and parsley (about 3 tsp total)
---milk (I use rice milk). You could probably also use a vanilla "milk" as well for added flavor or even a coconut milk
---egg (optional)---we don't use the egg but you could to help coat

Pre-heat oven to 375
coat a 9x13 pan with some oil

I use a food processor (mini one) to crush up the chex (this is something Matthew helps with). Pour in to a gallon storage bag. Add spices. Shake to mix.

Coat your chicken tenders with milk (and egg if you are using that)---then drop in to the bag of chex/spices and shake it baby!!! Then place in pan. Repeat until all chicken is coated. I give a slight spray of oil on to the top to help crisp. Do not cover with foil.

Pop in the oven until done---about 170 degrees internal temp. Around 30-40 min or so.

SIDE DISH: If you want, cut up potatoes and season with oil and cumin --cover with foil--and place in the oven while these are cooking. OR make mashed potatoes while the chicken is cooking.

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