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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Were the tests wrong???

It's been a while since I posted--sorry about that. Back in April while getting some other blood tests done for Matthew, I asked his pediatrician to get blood drawn so we could check on his allergies--they gladly did.

We were ecstatic to find out that according to the tests he was no longer allergic to eggs and peanuts! And his wheat and dairy allergy were extremely low on the charts. How amazing, we thought--- in just over a year it had changed so much!

Well, after giving him eggs for the first time we definitely saw quite a rash around his mouth--just as he'd gotten before. Whenever he would consume dairy he would get hives and the one time he had a peanut it appeared that he was starting to become anaphylactic--started coughing and vomited quite a bit (doc is assuming his throat was beginning to close).

Luckily for us, Benadryl came to the rescue for all of the above. But it got me wondering--could the tests have been wrong??? When I asked his pediatrician she said that they were probably right but that allergies can also be on a cellular level, which wouldn't necessarily show up on a test. I obviously have A LOT more to learn.....


  1. The tests are so tricky. I've read that blood tests can give a lot of false negatives and skin tests can give a lot of false positives. It's only a combination of tests and ultimately a food challenge that can determine whether or not you have an allergy. One test alone isn't enough.

    It's so frustrating. We've had the same thing happen with food before :(

  2. Scottish Twins---- great point! You are so right. It's just scary that we would have almost needed his epi pen because of ONE peanut....of which the tests said he wasn't allergic to any longer. Wish none of us had to deal with this.
