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Monday, December 28, 2009

Our First Post....

Hi. This is Matthew's mommy. I'm very excited to start this blog not only for our precious Matthew, but for anyone that this might be able to help. Afterall, millions of people suffer from allergies on a daily basis. It's generally not a life-threatening issue if properly cared for, but if you are like Matthew and given a laundry list of allergies, you might ask yourself "what the heck can I eat???"

That is exactly the question I'm asked every time I tell someone about Matthew, our 17 month old son's allergies. He was diagnosed just after the age of 12 months with allergies to wheat/gluten, egg, dairy, soy, peanut, tree nut and our precious kitty cat. The good news is that it was caught before anything horrible happened, and early enough that he doesn't really know the difference between the "good stuff" and his allergy-safe food.

So this blog is to give those of you who are new to the "allergy world" some ideas, including specifics on foods. The good, the bad...the icky....and the surprisingly delicious. I'll post recipes, stories....all the good stuff that blogs are made of.

We hope you enjoy it and will share some of your experiences and tips with us as well! Happy eating....and healthy life to all.


  1. I just read your blog today. I am from the nest/bump (joshnellen). My DD is 18 months and a couple of weeks. She has a dairy and wheat allergy. I first suspected them when she was 11 months old and we had testing when she was just over 14 months. We may have further testing soon as we are having continued nasal symptoms and possible asthma.
    We also have a dog and cat(2 on a scale of 0-4) allergy and slight peanut reaction (1).

  2. Hi! My name is Kellie and I am also from the bump. (MrsOlson). My DD is 12 months old and at 9 months we found out that she was allergic to wheat, milk (dairy), eggs and carrageenan ( thickening agent in dairy products). I am looking forward to following your blog as I am at a loss at what to feed her. I feel like I give her the same things all the time.

  3. Thanks for joining my blog!! I'm so excited to have a couple of readers =). I hope that I can give you some helpful info for your LO's. Trust me, I know how it feels to be at a loss. But it does get better....
