It was one year ago during his first birthday party that we realized the severity of his food allergies. He almost went in to anaphylactic shock after consuming about a fingernail's size of cake during his cake smash. Since then it's been wheat, dairy, egg, peanut and nut free for him.
We decided to have his party at an indoor jumping arena--which he loves to go to. But the only food they allow is pizza. All I can say is "Thank you Amy's kitchen"---because of their rice crust/soy cheese pizza he was able to enjoy pizza just like the other kids. And boy, did he ever!!
Cake has been the other big issue when we go to other birthday parties. I found a recipe that I spoke about earlier in the blog called "wacky cake" and it's amazing!!! It was developed during the Great Depression when butter and eggs were rationed. Perfect for us! So for this birthday I decided to make one of those Wilton giant cupcakes, just like I did last year so we could redo his "first cake moment". He's not a huge cake eater, but he sure loves the candles and birthday song.
And lastly, as the other kids had their vanilla ice cream cups, Matthew got to enjoy some raspberry sorbet that I found that is gluten free and dairy free (not all sorbets are dairy free as I've learned, so check those labels). Mmmmm......
So it was a great allergy-free day---no need for Benadryl or the epi pen---hoooray!!!!!